Feed the Beast Infinity Convert Junk

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This article has been verified for the current PC version (3.5) of the game.

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Spaceborne aliens range from non-sentient, space-dwelling creatures to gargantuan leviathans to alien enclaves, including the warlike marauders. Spaceborne aliens are likely be the first encounter for newly spacefaring species. Mechanically, each type of spaceborne alien is considered a special type of empire, though exempt from many of the game's usual rules. Spaceborne aliens have increased stats based on the difficulty settings.

Space creatures [edit | edit source]

Humanoid science ships encountering a pacified Space Amoeba Mother

Space creatures are entities which may not even classify as ships or life in the common meaning of the words. They generally inhabit a certain area of space and are seldom seen away from it. After completing first contact, a special project will be added to the situation log; researching the special project gives the empire a choice in how to deal with them:

If killed, space creatures will slowly respawn in their home system.

Space Creatures Research option Home System Tactics
Ancient Mining Drones

Expands to new systems

Cost: Engineering research 2000 Engineering

Minerals.png +10%  Minerals from mining stations

  • Contains 2 normal mining stations and the Home Base Ore Grinder. Each station is guarded by two fleets, one purely destroyers and one made of drones.
  • Destroying Home Base Ore Grinder grants Minerals.png 4000 minerals and Alloys.png 500 alloys.
    • If Ancient Relics.png Ancient Relics is enabled, it also grants the R surveyor.png Surveyor Relic.
  • Ancient Mining Drones use regular components.
  • The Tech mining drone weapon 1.png Mining Drone Lasers can be salvaged.
Drone components
Mining Drone Combat Drone Destroyer Base
  • Small 2 Cutting Laser
  • Large 1 Armor T1
  • Medium 1 Armor T1
  • Core Reactor T2
  • Core Thrusters T2
  • Core Sensor T1
  • Medium 1 Cutting Laser
  • Small 2 Cutting Laser
  • Large 1 Armor T1
  • Medium 2 Armor T1
  • Core Reactor T2
  • Core Thrusters T2
  • Core Sensor T1
  • Medium 2 Cutting Laser
  • Small 2 Cutting Laser
  • Large 1 Armor T1
  • Medium 3 Armor T1
  • Core Reactor T2
  • Core Thrusters T2
  • Core Sensor T1
  • Large 2 Laser T5
  • Hangar 3 Strike Craft
  • Large 5 Armor T1
  • Core Reactor T2
  • Core Sensor T1
Crystalline Entities

Expands to new systems

Cost: Physics Research 2000 Physics

  • Energy.png +5%  Energy from Jobs
  • OR
  • Tech crystal armor 1.png Crystal-Infused Plating
Contains Crystal Nidus, a large crystalline structure guarded by 4 elite fleets. The system can be safely explored and claimed if the crystalline entities have been pacified. As their home system has a pulsar, shields are useless when attacking it.
  • Defensively: Armor or shields - their shard weapons deal +50% damage against hull but have no other bonus
  • Offensively: Any weapon, but especially plasma launchers or mining lasers - Crystalline Entities have resilient and regenerating hulls, but no shields or armor
  • Unique salvage: Tech crystal armor 1.png Crystal-Infused Plating from ships, Tech crystal armor 2.png Crystal-Forged Plating from Crystal Nidus, both are the only hull increasing components in the game.
Space Amoeba

Migrates through systems

Cost: Society research 2000 Society

  • Mod ship evasion mult.png +5%  Evasion
  • OR
  • Regenerative Hull Tissue Regenerative Hull Tissue
Always called Amor Alveo, its various celestial body deposits produce in total Energy.png 8 energy, Minerals.png 12 minerals, Society research 6 society, Exotic gases.png 3 exotic gases, Volatile motes.png 3 volatile motes and Rare crystals.png 2 rare crystals.
  • Defensively: Shields and point defense - their weapons deal +25% damage against armor and large amoeba launch strike craft
  • Offensively: Energy weapons - Space Amoeba have natural armor and regenerate
  • Unique salvage: Tech amoeba strike craft 1.png Amoeba Flagella, strike craft almost as strong as Tier 2 Improved Strike Craft
Void Clouds

Stays in initial systems

Cost: Physics Research 2000 Physics

Physics Research +10%  Physics from jobs

Always called Great Wound, it is a black hole cluster guarded by 3 Void Cloud fleets. Most black holes have deposits of Physics Research 4 physics and the central one contains the largest Dark Matter.png Dark Matter deposit in the galaxy. The system should be attacked with a highly superior force due to the effects of black holes on space battles.
  • Defensively: Crystal plated hulls if available - their weapons ignore both shields and armor. Their erratic damage can sometimes destroy Corvettes in one hit.
  • Offensively: Missiles and Autocannons - Void Clouds have equal amounts of natural shields and hull
  • Unique salvage: Tech space cloud weapon 1.png Cloud Lightning, L weapons that ignore both shields and armor
Tiyanki Space Whales

Migrates through systems

Gained on first contact completion

Tech space whale weapon 1.png Frequency Tuning

Always called Tiyana Vek, it contains 4 Gas Giants. Each one has a deposit of Society research 6 society. The star itself always has a deposit of Physics Research 6 physics Tiyanki fleets can consist of Cows, Bulls, Calves and Hatchlings. Regenerative Hull Tissue Regenerative Hull Tissue can be salvaged.
Tiyanki components
Bull and Cow Calf and Hatchling
  • Ship part space whale weapon.png 5 Energy Siphon
  • Ship part auto repair.png 1 Regenerative Hull Tissue
  • Ship part space whale weapon.png 3 Energy Siphon
  • Ship part auto repair.png 1 Regenerative Hull Tissue
Kill rewards
  • Energy.png 500 Energy
  • Exotic gases.png 50 Exotic gases
  • Energy.png 250 Energy
  • Exotic gases.png 25 Exotic gases

VLUUR [edit | edit source]

VLUUR is a powerful migrating Void Cloud that has around 32K fleet power and is armed with 8 Ship part space cloud weapon.png Cloud Lighting weapons. For as long as VLUUR is in a system it will cause a storm that causes Mod ship speed mult.png −50%  sublight speed and Mod ship fire rate mult.png −15%  fire rate on ships. VLUUR moves to a new system every 4-7 years.

VLUUR is not hostile but can be attacked. It has powerful shields and high evasion, but low hull, and can be defeated deceptively easily with missile weapons. Defeating VLUUR grants Dark Matter.png 100 dark matter, and creates various deposits of Dark Matter.png 1-3 dark matter on up to 4 planets in the system it's defeated in.

Bemat Thalassocracy [edit | edit source]

The Bemat Thalassocracy is a hostile fleet that can appear after the end-game year is reached. It appears in a system owned by an empire that produces at least Trade value.png 180 trade value. The fleet is made up of the following ships:

40 corvettes 35 destroyers 34 cruisers
  • Small 1 Kinetic T3
  • Small 1 Plasma T1
  • Small 1 Disruptor T1
  • Small 2 Shield T2
  • Auxiliary 1 Afterburners T2
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitor
  • Core Jump Drive
  • Core Thrusters T4
  • Core Sensors T2
  • Core Reactor T5
  • Core Combat Computer T1
  • Medium 1 Plasma T3
  • Small 1 Plasma T3
  • Small 3 Laser T5
  • Small 4 Shield T4
  • Small 2 Armor T3
  • Auxiliary 1 Shield Capacitor
  • Core Jump Drive
  • Core Thrusters T3
  • Core Sensors T2
  • Core Reactor T5
  • Core Combat Computer T2 (Line)
  • Guided 1 Missiles T5
  • Guided 2 Swarmer Missiles T1
  • Small 2 Disruptor T2
  • Small 2 Plasma T3
  • Small 2 Kinetic T3
  • Medium 5 Shield T4
  • Medium 3 Armor T3
  • Auxiliary 1 Auxiliary Fire Control
  • Auxiliary 1 Nanite Repair System
  • Core Jump Drive
  • Core Thrusters T3
  • Core Sensors T2
  • Core Reactor T5
  • Core Combat Computer T2 (Artillery)

Nomads [edit | edit source]

Nomads are replaced by Caravaneers if the MegaCorp.png MegaCorp DLC is enabled.

The Nomads, or Namarians as they call themselves, are a passive millennia old intergalactic race with no homeworld, forever traveling the void in their starships. Once they establish communications with an empire, the nomads help establish communications between any encountered empires that haven't discovered each other yet. They travel from system to system during their temporary stay in the galaxy, and eventually set sail for another galaxy. Events related to them can take place during their stay.

The date when and if the Nomads arrive is rolled at game start, with the following chances per human player:

  • 20% chance to appear after 7,300 to 7,800 days (roughly 20.28 to 21.67 years)
  • 25% chance to appear after 14,600 to 15,100 days (roughly 40.56 to 41.94 years)
  • 25% chance to appear after 20,075 to 20,575 days (roughly 55.76 to 57.15 years)
  • 30% chance to not trigger (they may still appear if another human player rolls them)

If more than one player triggers the Nomads, they spawn a single time on the earliest rolled date.

When they arrive, the Nomads spawn in a random non-hostile rim system that no regular empire has more than Intel level low.png low intel on. Upon appearing, they decide the midpoint and endpoint systems of their journey.

  • Midpoint: A random non-hostile system with a distance of 250 to 500 from their starting system. If no such system exists, they choose a system with a distance of 150 to 500, whether or not it's hostile.
  • Endpoint: A random rim system with a distance of 400 to 1450 from their starting system. If no such system exists, they choose a system with a distance of 250 to 1450.

On their journey, Nomads perform an action on entering a system. Those actions depends on if the system has an owner and what their relationship with the owner is. If the system is owned by an empire they haven't contacted and isn't hostile to them, they start orbiting a random planet in the system until contact is established. The system owner is unable to decipher their communications, but contact is always established after 100 days. After contact is established, they send the owner a request. If they enter another system owned by the same empire, they roll for a request again. Each interaction has the following chances:

  • 30% - Ask to leave some pops on an owned planet within the empire's borders. If the empire agrees, three Egalitarian.png Egalitarian Namarian pops spawn on a random Planet arid.png Arid, Planet desert.png Desert, or Planet savannah.png Savannah colony. A colony is 6 times as likely to be chosen if it has more than 0 free housing and 11 times as likely to be chosen if it has more than 1 free housing. Namarians are immortal and have the Trait pc desert preference.png Desert Preference, Nomadic.png Nomadic, Venerable.png Venerable, and Natural Engineers.png Natural Engineers traits.
  • 30% - Ask for an uncolonized planet to colonize, forming a new empire. If the empire agrees, they gain Influence.png 150 to 300 influence and a random uncolonized Planet arid.png Arid, Planet desert.png Desert, Planet tropical.png Tropical, Planet ocean.png Ocean, or Planet gaia.png Gaia world within their borders becomes the capital of a new single-system Namarian empire. The new empire has Auth democratic.png Democratic authority, the Egalitarian.png Egalitarian, Spiritualist.png Spiritualist, and Xenophile.png Xenophile ethics, random civics, and a decaying Diplomacy opinion.png +100  opinion modifier towards the empire. The new empire starts with 14 Egalitarian.png Egalitarian Namarian pops that have their climate preference trait changed to match their new planet, 1000 Energy.png energy and Minerals.png minerals, and Influence.png 500 influence. Because they start with no other resources, no buildings, and no districts, this new empire immediately starts suffering from food and consumer goods deficits, housing shortages, and unemployment.
  • 30% - Sell 5 or 15 Cruisers.
  • 10% - Move on with no request.

If the system has no owner, isn't hostile, and isn't the mid- or endpoint of their journey, they perform a peaceful action with the following chances:

  • 10% - Repair fleet and build new ships.
    • ×10 If under 3k Fleet Power
    • ×5 If under 5k Fleet Power
    • ×0 If over 10k Fleet Power or have built new ships within the last 120 days
  • 80% - Pick a random planet and wait in orbit for 40–50 days. Afterwards, they have a 25% chance to move on and 75% chance to pick another planet in the system to orbit. They orbit a maximum of three planets this way before moving on.
    • ×0 If less than 1.5k Fleet Power
  • 10% - Move on without doing anything.

While the Nomads are inherently peaceful, a fight can be picked in order to get access to their technology. Nomads are easy prey but their technology is just average by midgame, making this rarely useful. The nomad fleet consists of the following:

20 Protectors 3 Ark Ships
  • Large 1 Laser T4
  • Point defense 2 Point-Defense T2
  • Medium 2 Armor T3
  • Medium 1 Shields T3
  • Core Hyperdrive T3
  • Core Thrusters T3
  • Core Sensors T3
  • Core Reactor T4
  • Core Combat Computer T3 (Picket)
  • Core Hyperdrive T3
  • Core Thrusters T3
  • Core Sensors T3
  • Core Reactor T4

Enclaves [edit | edit source]

Shroud-Touched Coven station

Enclaves are special AI empires. They do not own any planets or systems, but consist of large stations. Once an empire has made contact with an enclave, they can purchase various services from the enclave. Enclaves are listed in the Diplomacy Menu under the "Others" category. Each enclave has two or three basic interactions, and a number of restricted interactions that can only be used after sufficient Diplomacy opinion.png opinion is reached.

The maximum opinion with an enclave is 100, and an empire builds opinion with them by using their services or owning the system with the enclave. Enclaves in owned systems gain Diplomacy opinion.png +1  opinion with the system owner each year. This is not cumulative when owning multiple systems with the same enclave.

The primary resource for interacting with enclaves is Energy.png energy. Most actions are repeatable, but some of the actions also have an increasing cost. The price increases as an empire's population goes past certain thresholds:

Pops Energy.png Energy cost
0-60 1000
61-120 2000
121-180 3000
181-240 4000
241+ 5000

During the renewal request after a modifier runs out, the player will be able to renew the deal for a sum of Energy.png energy credits which scales with the number of the empire's population. With Trader enclaves you will be asked how many monthly units (of the respective rare resource sold by the enclave) you want to buy.

Option Effect Requirements
Curator Order Enclaves flag curator.png (requires Leviathans.png or Distant Stars.png)
Research aid Mod country all tech research speed.png +10%  Research speed for 10 years, and Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion Energy.png scales with population
Mysteries of the Universe
Tell us about
Adds a Leviathan point of interest to the situation log, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Energy.png 300
An unencountered Guardian exists
Mysteries of the Universe
How to defeat
Adds a permanent Damage +25%  damage modifier against the chosen Guardian, and Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion Has encountered a Guardian
Energy.png 2000 for Hives
Energy.png 600 for Infinity Machine
Energy.png 1000 for other Guardians
Mysteries of the Universe
How would we fare
Compares the total fleet power against the Guardian, and Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion
  • Below 5k: Poorly. Very poorly. Wait a second, you're not actually thinking of...? My goodness, with the ships you have? It... it would be a slaughter!
  • Between 5k and 15k: I would strongly advise against it. Your attacks would likely be more of an annoyance than a threat.
  • Between 15k and 30k: Hmmm... yes... yes, I suppose you might actually stand a chance. If you combined your entire fleet... it would not be an easy victory, mind you, but one that is at least within the realm of possibility.
  • Over 30k: Yours is a mighty fleet, comparable to some of the greatest armadas recorded in the annals of the Curator Order. Victory is certainly within your reach.
Has encountered a Guardian
Energy.png 2000 for Hives
Energy.png 600 for Infinity Machine
Energy.png 1000 for other Guardians
Establish Think Tank Allow the construction of Sb curator think tank.png Curator Think Tank starbase buildings in enclave system Spaceport 1.png starbases Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Recruit scientist Gain a level 5 Scientist.png Scientist with the Leader trait curator.png Curator trait Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Energy.png 1000
No Leader trait curator.png Curator scientist owned
Buy Intelligence Gain Intel.png +20  intel on target empire, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Energy.png 1000
Infinity mystery Gain Engineering research 1000-10000 Engineering research Leviathans.png Mirror of Knowledge modifier
Can only be done once
L-Gates Gain an L-Gate Insight, and Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion Energy.png 5000
Time Once per 10 years
Distant Stars.png Encountered an L-Gate
Artisan Troupe Enclaves flag artist.png (requires Leviathans.png)
Become patron Gain the Patron of the Arts modifier for 10 years (Monthly unity +10%  monthly Unity), and Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion.
Becoming a patron also allows Patron Events to trigger:
  • Newsletter events give the option to convert Energy.png 500 energy into Influence.png 50 influence. It can only happen up to 4 times.
  • Equipment malfunction events give the option to gain Minerals.png 500 minerals or Influence.png 50 influence.
  • The more important one grants access to the empire-unique Ministry of Culture Ministry of Culture building for Energy.png 500 energy.
Energy.png scales with population
Commission art piece Gain the Decision art monument.png Exhibit Art Monument decision, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Energy.png 600
No.png Does not own 5
Found Art College Allow the construction of Sb artist college.png Art College starbase buildings in enclave system Spaceport 1.png starbases Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Organize festival Gain the Festival of Worlds modifier for 10 years (Mod pop happiness.png +15%  happiness and Mod pop growth speed.png +10%  pop growth speed), and Diplomacy opinion.png +15  opinion.
There is also a chance for one of the following to happen within the next year:
  • 10% chance: A stampede kills a pop; either divert the media's attention for Influence.png 100  Influence or suffer a negative modifier for two years (Mod pop happiness.png −20%  happiness, Energy.png −10%  energy from jobs). Increased chance for Materialist.png Fanatic Materialist.png Materialist empires.
  • 10% chance: Some artisans wish to settle. Accepting will add 2 artisan pops to an owned colony. The climate preference will always match. Increased chance for Xenophile.png Fanatic Xenophile.png Xenophile or Pacifist.png Fanatic Pacifist.png Pacifist empires.
  • 5% chance: The artisans steal Energy.png 1000  energy, end the festival modifier, and refuse to communicate for 10 years. Increased chance for Xenophobe.png Fanatic Xenophobe.png Xenophobe or Materialist.png Fanatic Materialist.png Materialist empires.
Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Energy.png 1000
Traders Enclaves flag trader.png (requires Leviathans.png)
Strategic Resource deal Provides a 1 to 5 of a rare resource for 10 years, and Diplomacy opinion.png +5  opinion times amount purchased.
Resources vary based on which specific trader enclave is encountered:
  • XuraCorp sells Exotic gases.png Exotic Gases
  • Muutagan Merchant Guild sells Rare crystals.png Rare Crystals
  • Riggan Commerce Exchange sells Volatile motes.png Volatile Motes
Energy.png 500 per unit
Energy.png 10 monthly per unit
Seek expertise Gain an immortal level 5 Governor.png Governor with the Leader trait enclave trader.png Enclave Trader trait Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Energy.png 500
Once per enclave
Salvagers Enclaves flag salvagers.png (requires Overlord)
Scrap a fleet Disbands a fleet and gain Alloys.png alloys equal to a quarter of the total construction cost, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion
  • Fleets created by the R prethoryn queen.png Prethoryn Brood-Queen relic or the Lost Amoeba event can be scrapped for 600 Food.png Food but incur an extra cost of Energy.png 200 energy and grant only Diplomacy opinion.png +5  opinion
  • If scrapping the fleet from the Lost Amoeba event, there's a 25% chance that the space amoeba instead permanently protects the enclave
Fleet in the enclave system
Energy.png 300
Time Once per 5 years
Reclaimed vessels Purchases 1 or 10 ships based on other empire' designs, and Diplomacy opinion.png +1-5  opinion Energy.png 150 per corvette
Energy.png 300 per destroyer
Energy.png 600 per cruiser
Energy.png 1200 per battleship
Time Once per 2 years
Salvage some debris Automatically investigate up to 3 debris fields in 90 days, and Diplomacy opinion.png +5  opinion Unknown.png Debris within borders
Diplomacy opinion.png 20
Energy.png 400
Engineering research Research speed (Engineering) +15% Engineering research speed for 5 years, and Diplomacy opinion.png +5  opinion Diplomacy opinion.png 20
Alloys.png 150
Energy.png scales with population
Salvage Works buildings Allow the construction of Sb salvager workshop.png Salvage Works starbase buildings in enclave system Spaceport 1.png starbases, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Diplomacy opinion.png 40
Energy.png 1000
Aid with construction efforts Mod ship build speed mult.png +10%  Ship build speed and +40% Starbase module and building build speed for 2 years, and Diplomacy opinion.png +5  opinion Sb salvager workshop.png Salvage Works
Diplomacy opinion.png 50
Energy.png 800
Volatile motes.png 20
Shroud-Touched Coven Enclaves flag shroudwalkers.png (requires Overlord)
What is to be our fate Starts a Sign of the Visitor or Sign of the Locus situation, which can trigger various events or create anomalies, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Influence.png 50
Energy.png scales with population
Send us a teacher Enables the Decision surreal visions.png Shroudwalker Teacher decision, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Influence.png 50
Energy.png 10 per Empire Size
Can only be done once
Insight on another empire Starts a Shroudwalker Insight situation which gives the following reward when completed, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion
  • 40% chance random asset
  • 25% chance +15 Spy network.png Infiltration
  • 25% chance +20 Intel.png Intel
  • 10% chance nothing
Diplomacy opinion.png 20
Influence.png 50
Energy.png scales with population
Spy network.png Spy network
Time Once per year
Travel via the Shroud Allow the construction of Sb shroud beacon.png a Shroud Beacon starbase building, and Diplomacy opinion.png +10  opinion Diplomacy opinion.png 40
Energy.png 800
Can only be done once

Mercenary enclaves [edit | edit source]

Unlike other enclaves, mercenary enclaves do not exist at the start of the game and instead are founded by non-Gestalt non-Gestalt empires during gameplay. While Gestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness empires cannot found mercenary enclaves, they can become their patrons by taking ownership of an enclave's system.

Each mercenary enclave in an empire's owned systems takes up one capacity, regardless of whether that empire founded the enclave or not. There is no penalty for going above the empire's mercenary enclave capacity except for not being able to found additional mercenary enclaves. Mercenary Enclave capacity starts at 0 and can be increased through the following:

Capacity Civics Other
  • Civic barbaric despoilers.png Barbaric Despoilers
  • Civic warrior culture.png Warrior Culture
  • Civic private military companies.png Private Military Companies
  • Ap lord of war.png Lord of War ascension perk
  • Resolution defence privatization.png Defense Privatization resolutions 1-3
+2 Civic naval contractors.png Naval Contractors Resolution defence privatization.png Defense Privatization resolutions 4-5

Founding a mercenary enclave requires sufficient mercenary enclave capacity, a fleet of size 50 or larger led by an admiral in an owned system with a moon or asteroid, and no enclave – mercenary or other – already present in that system; this costs Energy.png 1500 energy, Alloys.png 2000 alloys, and Influence.png 100 influence. Once the order is given, the enclave constructs its station in the fleet's current system, the fleet's admiral leaves the empire to become the leader of the new enclave, and the fleet is transferred to the enclave.

Mercenary enclaves provide the following services:

  1. Empires can rent a mercenary fleet for 10 years and gain Diplomacy opinion.png +15  opinion for an Energy.png energy cost that scales with the enclave's opinion and tier. The contract can be renewed at any point for an additional Energy.png energy cost and Diplomacy opinion.png +5  opinion. Mercenary fleets are led by admirals with the Leader trait mercenary warrior.png Mercenary Warrior trait. If the mercenary enclave station is attacked, all mercenary fleets are recalled, and their clients are refunded between Energy.png 3000-44000 energy, depending on enclave tier.
  2. Empires that have at least Diplomacy opinion.png 20  opinion with the enclave can pay Energy.png 600, 1100, or 2000 energy to hire Army assault.png 5, 10 or 15 mercenary armies. If the enclave is at least tier 4, empires can also pay Energy.png 1200 or 2300 energy to hire Army assault.png 5 or 10 mercenary mechanized armies. All options will grant Diplomacy opinion.png opinion equal to the number of armies hired, plus 5 additional opinion if hiring a mechanized army.
  3. Empires that have at least Diplomacy opinion.png 30  opinion with the enclave can buy Mod navy size add.png +15%  naval capacity for 10 years. This costs between Energy.png 1000 and 5000 energy based on current capacity and gives Diplomacy opinion.png +15  opinion.
  4. Empires that have at least Diplomacy opinion.png 40  opinion with the enclave can pay Energy.png 1000 energy to unlock the Sb mercenary garrison.png Mercenary Garrison starbase building and gain Diplomacy opinion.png +15  opinion.
  5. Empires that have at least Diplomacy opinion.png 50  opinion with the enclave can pay Energy.png 1500 or 5000 energy to gain Damage +15%  damage versus a mid-game or end-game crisis.

The empire that owns a mercenary enclave's system, initially its founder, is the enclave's patron. Patrons have slightly reduced prices and receive a dividend at regular intervals. The dividend interval is mechanically a situation, and the base progress rate is +0.417 per month, resulting in a total time of 20 years. With all positive modifiers maxed out, the interval is a mere 1.83 years, though that relies on a non-patron hiring the fleet. More consistently, with the patron hiring the fleet, the minimum interval is 2.25 years. The rate is increased (and thus total interval decreased) by the following:

Source Base multiple Raw increase Interval with only this modifier
Ap lord of war.png Lord of War ascension perk +2.5 +1.043 5.75 years
Enclave fleet hired by anyone +1 +0.417 10 years
Enclave fleet hired by non-patron (stacks with above) +2 +0.833 5 years
Per mercenary enclave tier +0.4
(max +2 )
(max +0.835 )
See table below
Per Resolution defence privatization.png Defensive Privatization resolution level +0.5
(max +2.5 )
(max +1.04 )
13.3 years at level 1
5.75 years at level 5
Enclave has Financial Troubles modifier −5 −2.085 Never
Cannot reduce progress below 3

The dividend can be in the form of basic resources, research, or a fleet if the patron is using less than 95% of their Mod navy size add.png Naval Capacity; there is also a small chance of a special dividend or no dividend.

Dividend type Chance Tier 0/1 Tier 2/3 Tier 4/5
Basic Resources 24%
  • Energy.png 6x Energy output ( 100 ~ 1000 )
  • Food.png 6x Food output ( 100 ~ 1000 )
  • Minerals.png 12x Minerals output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Energy.png 12x Energy output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Food.png 12x Food output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Minerals.png 18x Minerals output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • Energy.png 18x Energy output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • Food.png 18x Food output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • Minerals.png 24x Minerals output ( 350 ~ 10000 )
Energy only 24% Energy.png 12x Energy output ( 150 ~ 2000 ) Energy.png 18x Energy output ( 250 ~ 5000 ) Energy.png 24x Energy output ( 350 ~ 10000 )
Research 24%
  • Energy.png 6x Energy output ( 100 ~ 1000 )
  • Research.png 6x Research output (each 100 ~ 1000 )
  • Energy.png 12x Energy output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Research.png 12x Research output (each 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Energy.png 18x Energy output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • Research.png 18x Research output (each 250 ~ 5000 )
Ships received based on largest class enclave has
0% if patron uses >95% of Mod navy size add.png naval capacity
  • Energy.png 6x Energy output ( 100 ~ 1000 )
  • 1 Battleship and 2 Corvettes, or 6 Corvettes
  • Energy.png 12x Energy output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • 2 Battleships and 4 Corvettes, 4 Cruisers,
  • 3 Destroyers and 6 Corvettes, or 12 Corvettes
  • Energy.png 18x Energy output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • 4 Battleships and 4 Corvettes, 4 Cruisers and 6 Destroyers,
  • 7 Destroyers and 6 Corvettes, or 20 Corvettes
Ships received based on largest class enclave has
  • Energy.png 6x Energy output ( 100 ~ 1000 )
  • Minerals.png 6x Minerals output ( 100 ~ 1000 )
  • 1 Cruiser or 3 Corvettes
  • Energy.png 12x Energy output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Minerals.png 12x Minerals output ( 150 ~ 2000 )
  • Research.png 12x Research output (each 250 ~ 100000 )
  • 1 Battleship and 2 Corvettes, 2 Cruisers,
  • 2 Destroyers and 2 Corvettes, or 6 Corvettes
  • Energy.png 18x Energy output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • Minerals.png 18x Minerals output ( 250 ~ 5000 )
  • Research.png 18x Research output (each 350 ~ 100000 )
  • 2 Battleships and 4 Corvettes, 4 Cruisers,
  • 3 Destroyers and 6 Corvettes, or 12 Corvettes
Financial Troubles
Choose one of three options:

Energy.png 6x Energy output ( 100 ~ 1000 ), and enclave gains Financial Troubles modifier for 10 years

Kills current enclave ruler, and enclave gains Financial Troubles modifier for 2.78 years

Subsize enclave, based on tier (below), and gain Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion

  • Energy.png −1000  Energy
  • Influence.png +50  Influence
  • Energy.png −2500  Energy
  • Influence.png +75  Influence
  • Energy.png −10000  Energy
  • Influence.png +100  Influence

Patrons that have at least Diplomacy opinion.png 80  opinion with the enclave can ask it to recall a fleet hired by another empire for a scaling cost and Diplomacy opinion.png −15  opinion; the fleet is recalled after 6 months and then 3 months later hired to the patron for 10 years. The patron can also offer to upgrade the enclave – with a one year cooldown, up to 5 times; upgrading improves the tier of its weapons and grants Diplomacy opinion.png +20  opinion each time, but also increases the fleet recall costs.

Enclave tier Upgrade cost Fleet recall cost Base patron dividend time Enclave loadout
Energy.png Energy Alloys.png Alloys Energy.png Energy Influence.png Influence Extra large Large Medium Small Guided Point defense Hangar
0 - - 1500 50 20 years 0 3 3 1 2 1 2
1 1000 500 3000 75 14.3 years 0 3 3 1 2 1 2
2 2500 1250 6000 100 11.1 years 0 6 6 2 4 2 4
3 5500 2750 10000 125 9.08 years 0 6 6 2 4 2 4
4 10000 5000 15000 150 7.75 years 1 6 6 2 4 2 4
5 13000 6500 22000 200 6.66 years 1 6 6 2 4 2 4

Mercenary enclaves build and upgrade ships the same way playable empires do, using all technologies researched by the empire that founded the enclave at the time of the founding. The enclave's patron can grant the enclave all its researched technologies, gaining Energy.png +1000  energy and Diplomacy opinion.png +15  opinion.

Attacking enclaves [edit | edit source]

While enclaves never become hostile to any empire except in retaliation, they can be attacked like any neutral entity. With around 10k fleet power and highest level weapons, they are no easy prey. Various rewards can be salvaged from their remnants, depending on the type of enclave destroyed.

Enclaves flag curator.png Curator station Enclaves flag artist.png Artisan station Enclaves flag trader.png Trader enclave Enclaves flag salvagers.png Salvager enclave Enclaves flag shroudwalkers.png Shroud-Touched station Unknown.png Mercenary enclave
  • Extra large 1 Lance T2
  • Guided 4 Torpedo T3
  • Large 6 Energy Torpedo T2
  • Medium 6 Disruptor T3
  • Small 6 Disruptor T3
  • Point defense 4 Point-Defense T3
  • Large 10 Armor T5
  • Large 10 Shield T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitor
  • Ship part sensor 4.png Tachyon Sensors
  • Extra large 1 Arc Emitter T2
  • Guided 4 Missile T5
  • Large 6 Laser T5
  • Medium 6 Plasma Cannon T3
  • Small 6 Autocannon T3
  • Point defense 4 Point-Defense T3
  • Large 10 Armor T5
  • Large 10 Shield T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitor
  • Ship part sensor 4.png Tachyon Sensors
  • Extra large 1 Cannon T2
  • Guided 4 Multi-Missiles T2
  • Large 6 Artillery T2
  • Medium 6 Kinetic T5
  • Small 6 Autocannon T3
  • Point defense 4 Flak T2
  • Large 10 Armor T5
  • Large 10 Shield T5
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitor
  • Ship part sensor 4.png Tachyon Sensors
  • Extra large 1 Cannon T2
  • Large 6 Laser T5
  • Medium 6 Plasma Cannon T3
  • Point defense 4 Flak T3
  • Small 5 Small Cutting Laser
  • Large 7 Armor T5
  • Large 8 Shield T5
  • Large 3 Hull T2
  • Auxiliary 2 Shield Capacitor
  • Auxiliary 1 Nanite Repair System
  • Auxiliary 1 Orbital Trash Dispenser
  • Extra large 3 Arc Emitter T2
  • Large 6 Laser T3
  • Medium 3 Null Void Beam
  • Point defense 6 Point-Defense T3
  • Large 18 Shield T6
  • Auxiliary 3 Shield Capacitor
Unknown.png Depends on patron upgrades
  • Engineering research 1000 Engineering Research
  • Physics Research 1000 Physics Research
  • Society research 1000 Society Research
  • Energy.png 2000 Energy Credits
  • Minerals.png 2000 Minerals
  • Energy.png 2000 Energy Credits
  • Minerals.png 2000 Minerals
  • Energy.png 1500 Energy Credits
  • Alloys.png 7000 Alloys
  • Unity.png 10000 Unity
  • Zro.png 500 Zro
  • Energy.png 2000 Energy Credits
  • Alloys.png 2000 Alloys
AI Opinion change −15 0 −15 0 0 0

Enclave stations do not drop debris for salvage. Attacking a Curator, Artisan, or Shroud-Touched enclave makes every enclave station of the same type unavailable for trade.

Crystalline empire [edit | edit source]

If playing with the Origin void dwellers.png Void Dwellers origin (AI empires can't trigger it) then there is a 1% chance that during the mid-game a unique enclave known as the Crystalline Empire spawns near the galactic core. Its system does not have hyperlane connections but instead has a wormhole to a random system in the galaxy. Empires that are not Civic fanatic purifiers.png Civic devouring swarm.png Civic machine terminator.png Genocidal and have not attacked them can offer to help them every 20 years to receive one of the following:

Destroying the Crystalline Empire enclave grants no rewards.

Enigmatic Cache [edit | edit source]

Enigmatic Cache

The Enigmatic Cache, or BALDOR as it calls itself, is a tubular entity that emerges from any Gateway or L-Gate once the mid-game year is reached, if any player empire is at peace, and sets course for the nearest empire that is not at war. Upon taking damage to its hull, it instantly teleports away to the closest system with a Gateway or L-Gate.

Once the Enigmatic Cache enters an empire's borders, it starts orbiting each one of the empire's colonies for a decade. As long as it orbits a colony, it gives it a Research.png +30% research output modifier to the colony, but also Mod pop happiness.png −10%  happiness to any pops with the Xenophobe.png Xenophobe ethic. The first time the Enigmatic Cache orbits an empire's colony, the empire receives the option of issuing a special project to study it or leave it alone and gain Influence.png 50 influence. The special project costs Engineering research 2500 engineering research and finishing it refunds Engineering research 90-250 engineering research and grants an L-Gate insight, if the empire has discovered an L-Gate. Once all colonies have been scanned, the Enigmatic Cache sets course for the nearest empire and repeats the process.

Enigmatic Uplifting

After all colonies in the galaxy have been scanned, the Enigmatic Cache goes to the capital of a biological empire that did not attack it and requests to uplift the main species via a special project that takes 2 years. In multiplayer, the human player with the lowest Relative power icon.png relative power is chosen, random if tied. In singleplayer, the player empire is always chosen.

Enigmatic Dreams

If main species doesn't have Intelligent.png Intelligent or Quick Learners.png Quick Learners, 60 to 80 days into the project there is a 50% chance to be given the choice between aborting the uplift or adding the Fatigued modifier (Mod pop resource output.png −30%  resources from jobs) on 60 random non-robotic main species pops that have one of the following jobs:

Pop job.png Job Gestalt consciousness.png Gestalt Consciousness Job0
Job default.png Unemployed
Job researcher.png Researcher Brain Drone Brain Drone / Job researcher.png Calculator
Job foundry.png Metallurgist Job foundry.png Foundry Drone / Job foundry.png Fabricator
Job artisan.png Artisan Job artisan.png Artisan Drone
Job culture worker.png Culture Worker
Job chemist.png Chemist Job chemist.png Chemist Drone
Job translucer.png Translucer Job translucer.png Translucer Drone
Job gas refiner.png Gas Refiner Job gas refiner.png Gas Refiner Drone
Job technician.png Technician Job technician.png Technician Drone
Job miner.png Miner Job miner.png Mining Drone
No.png Job farmer.png Agri-Drone
Job crystal miner.png Crystal Miner Job crystal miner.png Crystal Mining Drone
Job gas extractor.png Gas Extractor Job gas extractor.png Gas Extraction Drone
Job mote harvester.png Mote Harvester Job mote harvester.png Mote Harvesting Drone

The modifier lasts until the uplift process is completed or aborted.


130 to 170 days into the project, the empire is notified that the Enigmatic Cache is deteriorating. 4 random non-robotic main species pops (with the same job restrictions as Enigmatic Dreams) gain the Vegetable modifier (Mod pop resource output.png −80%  resources from jobs) until the uplift is completed or aborted, and the player is offered the following options:

Note: The traits do not give unique bonuses to leaders despite the tooltips saying they do.

References [edit | edit source]


Source: https://stellaris.paradoxwikis.com/Spaceborne_aliens

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